
Authority to Request ALJ Services is Limited to Specific Persons

Only an agency head or a personal specifically designated by the agency head to make hearing requests for the agency may make a request for the designation of an administrative law judge.  Requests submitted by unauthorized persons will not be accepted for designation.  The Office of Administrative Hearings is governed by North Dakota Century Code Chapter 54-57.

Forms to Request Administrative Law Judge

The following three forms are used by the agencies requesting designation of an administrative law judge from the Office of Administrative Hearings to conduct hearings for the agency as the agency's hearing officer:

Please select the form you wish to use, fill it out to the best of your ability, and print it for either mailing or faxing, together with the supporting documentation, to:

  • Hope L. Hogan, Director
  • Office of Administrative Hearings
  • 2911 North 14th St. - Ste 303
  • Bismarck ND 58503
  • Fax:  (701) 328-3254
  • Email:

If you fax or email the request and supporting documentation, you do not need to also mail the hard copy of your request. If you do not fax or email the request and supporting documentation, you need to mail it to OAH at the address above. If you have any questions about how to fill out the form, please call OAH at (701) 328-3200 before you fill out the request.